Staging A House For Sale: A Seller’s Guide

Staging A House For Sale: A Seller’s Guide

Over the years, your family has created a home that perfectly suits you. Maybe the traditional living room has transformed into a TV room for your video-game-obsessed kids and the basement is your at-home fitness studio.
Everyone develops a home flow that works best for them. But when it comes time to sell, you don’t want to show buyers how you live. You want to showcase the features of your space and offer potential homebuyers a peek into how their lives can fit into your house.

What is Home Staging by B.E. Conrad

What is Home Staging by B.E. Conrad

What is Home Staging and How Can it Help Me Sell My Home When the housing market is hot and sellers are in charge, all you need to do is put your home on the market and wait for the offers to start pouring in. But when the housing market turns challenging, selling your home [...]